Sixteen by Nine is five years old

Sixteen by Nine is five years old!I am not quite sure where the past five years…

Writing Presentations

The art of writing for presentations.“And then I woke up and it was all a…

Visual Storytelling: The journey

Graphic Design to Visual Storytelling.The journey.Hi, I’m Abi, Sixteen by…


I love our clients and I love helping them achieve success

I love our clients and I love helping them achieve success.In the past, I’ve…

powerpoint live

PowerPoint Live

The low-down on Microsoft’s new PowerPoint feature for Teams Microsoft has…

Choosing photos

Copyright law and image use

Copyright and the use of imagesWe have already discussed the importance of…

death by powerpoint

Death by PowerPoint

A fate worse than...We have all heard that phrase. I for one get a metallic…

Storytelling and creative communication

The power of storytelling and creative communication.Storytelling is a form of…